Cannabis Oil Concentrates Flower Edibles Vape Pens CBD FAQ's

Holiday Special Flower - QUALITY FLOWER

Hi everybody, we had the rare opportunity to get our hands on some quality hybrid flower at a lower price than normal straight from Humboldt, California - the weed capitol of the WORLD. We are passing along the low price to all of our customers here at MYMJ to express our gratitude for your continued business & to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS from us, to you.

We most likely wont see flower prices this low again until next year, so be sure to stock up and take advantage of this discount!!


Dream Queen - Hybrid

Description: Dream Queen is a hybrid marijuana strain made by crossing Blue Dream with Space Queen. Dream Queen produces effects that will leave you in a euphoric, dream-like state after just a few puffs. This strain is pungent and reminiscent of pineapple, bubblegum, citrus and menthol. Dream Queen will have you sticking your nose back in the jar over and over again to smell its unique aroma.

1/2 oz
1 oz